I'm honored that LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs chose Slippers for Elsewhere as one of her Best Books of 2014. Check it out at The Volta. Woah. 

“These poems are play and pop and joy. Burgess makes plastic emote. You would think he learned language yesterday, he likes it so much. He twists words till they gleam new and makes the people in his poems shine too.” Sheila Maldonado chose Slippers as one of Aster(ix) Our Favorite Poetry Picks of 2014. READ HERE

My first children's book, Enormous Smallness: A Story of E. E. Cummings, is in the works! Illustrated by the amazing Kris Di Giacomo, and published by Enchanted Lion Books, Enormous Smallness is due in bookstores by April 2015. Here is a sneak peak:

Check out my interview with Eve Ensler in the first online issue of Teachers & Writers Magazine. "You can't teach a class unless you're awake. You can't help people come into their bodies unless you're in your body." READ HERE

Lara Mimosa Rodriquez's review of Slippers for Elsewhere is now up at The Lit Pub:

“Yellow There,” a meditation on the various shades of American summer yellows, transports readers “to the place where / the pencil reigns—” in the decisive private mind of the child. There, “a million crayoned suns and mustard on buns” hold court, far away from the abysmal adult napkins and menacing older brothers who control the weather. Similar to most of the other poems in Slippers, “Yellow There” is an invitation to the secret tree house of association, and other shadow puppets. In such houses, as in so many of Burgess’s poems, rhythm rules all.  READ HERE

Enormous Smallness: A Story of E. E. Cummings is mentioned in this Publisher's Weekly article about Claudia Zoe Bedrick and Enchanted Lion Books. READ HERE